- 世界大会のスピーチ内容
- スピーチで大切なこと
- 共通して言えること
1位 South Africa
I got my first book ever from my grandmother who never got an opportunity to get an education. She gave me that book because she had hoped that I would have a future much better than hers. I come from strong women who have fought not only to be recognized as humans but to be recognized as intelligent and capable leaders. Because of those women I am here today and it is now my responsibility to inspire others, to lead to be the best and to stay confident in everything that they do. Thank you so much.
2位 Puerto Rico
Growing up in a bicultural family has inspired me to connect to better understand the unifying thread between all of us. This had let me to five continents. I learned the language in just three months. And after working with victims of domestic violence for the past five years. And many many campaigns and documentaries for metamorphosis to empower women through personal transformation. I’ve dedicated my whole life to being a servant leader, to not just be an echo but a voice.
3位 Mexico
I became an advocate for mental and emotional health when I realized that through my story people think healed. I wrote two books about human empowerment and have been giving conferences on different platforms like Tech Talks. This is why I’m here. And that’s what gave my life meaning because I believe that if you do not use your beauty for your life’s mission then it’s just an empty ornament.
私の話を通して人々が癒されたと思うことに気づいたとき、私は精神的、そして感情的健康の擁護者になりました。私は人間のエンパワーメントについて 2 冊の本を書き、Tech Talksのようなさまざまなプラットフォームで協議会を開催しています。だから私はここにいて、それが私の人生に意味を与えたのです。なぜなら、もしあなたが自分の美しさを人生の使命のために使わなかったとしたら、それはただの飾りに過ぎないと私は信じているからです。
※擁護者: 侵害、危害、破壊を加えようとする ものから、かばい、まもる人のこと
4位 Colombia
My life purpose is to contribute to the building of a prosperous better society with the tools I have been had. As a lawyer, I work with the incarcerated population and protect the rights of women who have been victims of violence. As Miss Colombia, I traveled to more than 25 cities and 7 countries providing humanitarian aid and giving visibility to the causes that need it. I have a commitment to humanity and I will always do my best to give back to the world everything they don’t have received.
5位 Thailand
I’m just an ordinary person who believes that ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they believe in themselves. Have the courage to take that first step and never give up in the face of diversity. I’m standing here today because I followed my heart and dared to make my dreams. Thank you.
1位 Philippines
Working in some of the poorest areas of my country I found that it was a lack of child support, not poverty that killed their dreams. A child once told me that’s just not my life and those dreams are meant for me. But I stand here today because someone believed in me and we owe it to our children to believe in them.
2位 South Africa
As a medical student and tuberculosis survivor, a disease that kills millions of people every year. I’m one of the lucky few to survive and I’m able to tell my story through my hashtag break to see my campaign. And I hope I can encourage everyone out there who is facing any adversity or any challenge to speak up about this story.
3位 Venezuela
I have learned to be a confident, concerned, and determined woman. Thanks to the example of my mother who gave me (the butler?) in my family. She thought and beat cancer. In a country where the people suffer the consequence, the dawn filled the medicine. I am here so proud to shout to the world that we Venezuela’s are warriors of love.
私は、自信と心配り、そして決意を持った女性になることを学びました。家で家事をしてくれている母のおかげです。 彼女は考え、がんに打ち勝ちました。(人々が結果に苦しむ国では、夜明けが薬を満たしています。?)私はここで、私たちベネズエラは愛の戦士であることを世界に叫べることを誇りに思います。
4位 Puerto Rico
I've been a fighter and a believer. I haven’t had a very easy life and even though many doors have closed on me I have never lost faith. And I never stopped believing in myself. That’s why wherever I go I always want to deliver a message of hope. I want to inspire motivated people to achieve their dreams whatever those may be.
闘志を燃やし、信念を貫いてきた。私は決して楽な人生を送ってきたわけではありません。 多くの扉が閉ざされても、私は決して信念を失わなかった。そして、自分を信じることを決してやめませんでした。だから、私はどこに行っても、いつも希望のメッセージを届けたいと思っているのです。私は、やる気のある人たちがどんな夢でも実現できるような影響を与えたいと思っています。
5位 Vietnam
I am a minority. I’m just to get married at 14 but no I chose education from nothing. I’m here I am. I can do you can do it.
まずは、「deep introspection」内観や自己分析を通して自分自身を深く知ることです。