Beauty pageant

【ミスコン】Miss Universe 世界大会2019質疑応答









  • 世界大会の質疑応答内容
  • トップの人たちはどういう回答しているのか
  • 共通して言えること


Miss Universe 2019 Top5

1位 South Africa

Q: Are leaders of today doing enough to protect future generations from climate change? If not, what more should they be doing?


A: I think that the future leaders could do a little bit more. However, I feel like we, as individuals ourselves, could also play a part in making the climate the way it should be in the future. Children are protesting for the climate, and I feel like adults should join as well, and corporations should join as well. The government should take it seriously. I mean, 6th grade have been learning that the climate is deteroriating and the planet is dying. It is up to us to keep our planet safe. Thank you.


2位 Puerto Rico

Q: Social media has empowered people to express their beliefs. But sometimes those beliefs are intolerant and dangerous. Should social media platforms respect free speech or regulate what people post?


A: I most definitely believe that social media can be a positive aspect of our lives. We can share information and knowledge. However, it can be used in the wrong hands and spear negativity and harm many people. So I believe that social media should identify the people that are spearheading negativity and harming people’s self-esteem, and make sure that they are not abusing the system, such as social media. Thank you.


3位 Mexico

Q: Recently, many countries have seen protests in their streets. Some have led to violence. Is protest a positive way to create change?


A: I believe in the cause, I believe in creating change, and I do believe in raising our voices. We need to be heard. Some of these protests are really powerful and they can create a positive impact. But I do not believe in violence, because violence is always gonna create violence. I really believe that what we should do is come together, raise our voices, and make an impact, in the best possible way ever, through this kind of platform, like Miss Universe and TED talks. That’s why I’m here, and I really believe that’s what we should do. Thank you.



Q: Millions of women worldwide lack access to reproductive healthcare. What do you believe is the most important issue in women’s health, and why?


A: I think the most important thing is that women are able to choose about their own body. We have to have the option of having quality care. So any decision we make about our body, our health, about our reproduction, will never put us at risk, especially our lives. 



Q: Government surveillance is used to keep many nations and their people safe. But some believe this invades our right to privacy. What is more important to you, privacy or security?


A: I believe that every country has their own government policy to keep us safe, and I believe that it shouldn’t cross a line of going into our privacy, because we have a right to privacy. But security is also very important, so I believe that in order to live in a better society, we should also have the government look into a line – a middle ground as to where they can come and live together with society. 



Miss Universe 2019 Top3

Q: "What is the most important thing we should teach young girls today?"


1位 South Africa

A: I think the most important thing we should be teaching young girls today is leadership. It's something that has been lacking in young girls and women for a very long time, not because we don't want to but because of what society has labeled women to be. I think we are the most powerful beings [in] the world, and that we should be given every opportunity. And that is what we should be teaching these young girls: to take up space. Nothing is as important as taking up space in society and cementing yourself.


2位 Puerto Rico

A: There's so many things that I would love to teach young girls if I have the opportunity to be your next Miss Universe, such as: In a world where so many people wear a mask, it's such a beautiful thing to see an authentic soul. So to embrace your uniqueness to embrace who you are because you just don't know who you can inspire just by being you. So celebrate that. Thank you.


3位 Mexico

A: It's very important to teach young girls today the importance of their true value. We see so many perfection in social media, perfect lives, perfect bodies, perfect faces, perfect relationships. Nothing is that real. We have to teach them that who they are is already amazing, who they are is already worth it. Because what they really are is not what it looks like, [it's] what they feel what they act, and the way they react to the world. I believe a girl is worth for what she has to offer to the world, way more than the way she looks.




個人的にはトップ3を決める際のメキシコの回答が好きです(^ ^)


「deep introspection」内観や自己分析を通して自分自身を深く知ることがとても重要です。










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